Children's Ministry


Sunday Nursery- 9AM &11AM/11am Includes: Pre-k -1st/2nd&3rd/4th&5th/Middle School Classes

Free Family Movie Night

This movie is funny and may bring a tear to your eye. But come and fellowship with us.  There is room for little ones to lay on the floor with blankets.

Friday, September 20th

Doors open 5:45.  Begins 6:00 pm 

                                                                          Enter at Family Room Entrance on 10th Street 

                                                                          Movie, Popcorn, Waters and Candy are free.

Donations are accepted for Children's Ministry.

Harvest Carnival

Friday, October 25th

In the Family Room

467 S. 10th St Cottage Grove, OR

Begins at 6 pm - 8 pm

 Carnival Games, Prizes, Face Painting, Snacks

So all you Cowboys and Cowgirls get all gussied up and join in the fun!

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Family Movie Night: IF

Friday night October 18th

Doors open 5:45, begins 6:00 pm Family Room

Please join us for a light hearted child's imagination film

Free  Movie, Popcorn, waters, candy and lots of laughter.

Donations welcome and benefit the children's ministries.

Learn More

Movie Night : Jesus Revolution

Friday Night November 22

Family Room Door opens 5:45, begins 6:00

Parents' discretion advised.

Free Movie, Popcorn, Waters and Candy.

Donations welcome and benefit Children's Ministries.

Learn More

Children's ministry at living faith

"Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." Pr 22:6

We make reaching and teaching the next generation a top priority here at Living Faith. We work hard to make each child's experience at church safe, fun, and educational. We are creating relational environments where kids can learn more about Jesus every week and learn what it means to be a disciple. We offer classes on Sunday morning at 9am and 11am. And we affer a Bible based scouting program on Tuesday nights at 6:30 called Royal Rangers.